Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Experiencing Clinic at Gens de Nantes

This morning started out with devotions and we are definitely on Haitian time. It took a while for us to get to the clinic. We arrived with a team of staff ready to work, prenatal women waiting, along with a few others. 

We are very fortunate to have Felipe as our translator – he has worked as a translator for the past 10 years in the Panama, Dominican Republic and Haiti including working on the Mercy Ships. Felipe can speak fluent English, Spanish, German, French and Creole – a wealth of medical Haitian culture knowledge. He has worked with Anderson Cooper from CNN around the Caribbean.

We had the village doctor also present for the day – Dr. Dieulin – so together with Dr Braam they saw patients. Many pregnant women in their last trimester, elderly men and women who did not know their age – actually in excellent shape with just small complaints and great blood pressures! 

Just before lunch a 20 year old pregnant women came to our clinic and she had been in labor since 8 AM. Dr Braam examined her along with Marilyn the missionary nurse – she was 6 centimeters and the baby had not turned the correct way. So our wonderful nurse Elma told her to walk!! We went for lunch, said a little prayer for the baby to turn correctly and for an easy delivery! Our team returned to clinic and we found the young woman was ready for delivery – God answers prayer!
Our pride and joy!!
Lynnise with our translator, Felipe.
Several staff were present as a bouncing baby boy was born weighing in at 5.9 pounds. Elma laughed that Felipe was caught in the corner and could not escape – poor guy turned “blanc”(white) – this was his first delivery!

We found a new use for the baby bath tub as it got broken during transport and needed a Red Green duct tape fix – it is now a bassinet.

Teresa is our administrator assistant. She's busy working with Marilyn in finances and doing an inventory of the items that we brought. 
Elva was busy setting up the autoclave and distiller. 
Lynnise treated a young boys long term foot problem and used the nebulizer for a little girl whose name was also “Lynnise”.
Betty is aching to revamp the maternity area but will give it some time to see how to do it discreetly. 
Sharon did some teaching about some of the equipment and generally tried to find things and trouble shoot. 

The lab tech was very happy to give up his hand spun centrifuge for the new one we brought, although he had to wait until the lid could be fixed as it too got broken during transport. 

The Lab Tech, 2 RN's and Marilyn.
Introductions for the team and Clinic staff.
Noon lunch break at the guesthouse.
Live electrical wires hanging from the ceiling probably 
chewed off by the rats when the power was off.

1 comment:

  1. March 11.2015 Looks like you are having quite the adventure. Lots of needs! Great you are there! May the Lord direct you while you are there and give you a vision for His plan in the future. Wish we were there with you! Special Hi to Lynnise and Elva (and of course, Sharon and Martin). Praying for you all.



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