Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Each time we travel together, we learn a little more about our team members. Here's another one of Dr Braams delightful stories.Before you read that story, I must fill you in on our "Waldo Story"
Can you find "Waldo"?

Where's Waldo?
Need I say more? 

Mike and Martin were my roommates in the house in Gens de Nantes.  We shared accommodations in 2013 in Haiti Arise as well. Mike does not snore. His room mates do.

With this trip to Haiti he graciously chose the less popular top sleeping bunk, allowing me to sleep in the more comfortable lower bed, and his Uncle Martin slept in the single bed next to us. My sleep was never interrupted by anything or anybody in the room. Unfortunately I know my room mates cannot say the same about me.

I found Mike one afternoon late sitting quietly on the clinic bench in the patients` waiting room area. The room was empty, except for a young lady, with her husband, and an older person who was still waiting for the doctor. Voices and laughter of nursing staff in nearby locations were appreciated, and I sensed from the tone and volume of their voices they were happy the day was over. I shared their sentiments. Mike`s demeanour, however, was that of an unhappy person, and I sat gently beside him. He respectfully requested to see the doctor.

He hesitantly acknowledged he had a problem, and described it as a sensation of something or someone sitting on his back, clawing into his shoulders and upper arms. Even his left earlobe was nibbled and was red, tender and swollen. The previous night I remembered applying Fucidin H cream on his swollen left earlobe which he vaguely told me was caused by some animal bite. He also has low back ache, obviously a strain injury from carrying something very heavy. 

An unknown, grey, Waldo type lady, jumped every night up and down on his back to straighten him out.

 Otherwise he found not talking too much helped him get through the day. After a long sigh, and further prompting, he silently confessed, it was his Uncle Martin, who is with him, part of our technical team, and as such, in charge of operations. I concluded he suffered from (uncle) Martinitis.

I suggested some medication, but he is clearly an advanced case and will require intensive psychotherapy.That is, if he survives the surgery. I went on to explain surgical excision of this type requires skill and expertise, and that I will have to find a surgeon somewhere who can remove the alien successfully from his back.

Mike has a tender, quietness about him, seldom heard but always seen in the forefront. He has the ability to look one straight in the eyes, and will offer an opinion only when asked and after consideration. His responses usually reflect a vividly good sense of humour, often having his listeners in fits of laughter. His absence from the Haiti 2014 trip was clearly felt, not only by Teresa, but also by his roommates. One can not help but to just love the man. We all wish Mike and Teresa God`s peace and love on this journey they share. We look forward to have them both, God willing, on the 2016 Haiti Mission.

Tastefully written by Dr Braam

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