Monday, March 9, 2015

Sunday - Experiencing La Jeune

 Before breakfast the driver, Immanuel, and vehicle arrived to take our luggage to Gens de Nante. Our 50 lb bags of luggage were easily lifted on top of the van and it was well tied down. Several hours of driving lie ahead but we have received word tonight that it all arrived safe and sound.

Today was time change in Haiti so when church began this morning at 0800, it was  pretty early. After a bit of singing, we listened to a very animated message in Creole that seemed to go on and on. One Haitian commented to us today that we still experience the confusion of the tower of Babel.

 This afternoon we met with three of the executive of the AEM (Association of Mission Churches - Haitian branch of EMCC) and looked at the medical clinic here that is sitting vacant. It was a bit overwhelming to see the conditions. Marilyn had spent 11 years here as a nursing missionary, having left in 1994. The clinic has operated off and on over the last number of years. It is in a state of disrepair and one of the executive pastors said he felt like Nehemiah when the walls of Jerusalem needed rebuilding and he had a deep desire to rebuild.

Contemplating what can be done here.

Morning preparation for our meal - chicken drumsticks and lemons soaking



  1. Yolanda and FamilyMarch 9, 2015 at 2:30 PM

    Wow it's so great to see all your faces! Thanks for the update today.
    Mom, we received your email also. We were out at the farm yesterday, Jon removed ice shack as it's sunny, warm and melting here +4. There was quite the run off of water at your place. I emailed you pictures yesterday.

    Safe travels today and we will continue to pray for you all as you begin your time at the medical clinic. Blessings and love from us all.

  2. I am so proud of my adventurous sisters ok and Martin! Praying for a wall of protection around your team for health and strength and safety. Love ya tons! Talked to mom and she said she tried to left a message but did not think it worked. She is praying for you guys. Ed is coming to Regina this weekend and mom will be going back with him. She doesn't know for how long but feels bad that she Will not be in regina when you arrive home. Take care and love you lots.

    1. Tried to update my profile from unknown from unknown lol. Have a great day.



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