Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Our families..Thanks for all the support.

This closing blog is to give recognition to our families who so graciously support us in our Haiti missions. They always are reluctant to let us go and happy to meet us again on Canadian soil. However they also see the need and gratefully stand with us in prayers and electronic connection as much as possible.  What can we say? 
Thank you to all of you who love and care about what we are doing.   

Also a big thanks to you, our extended family, colleagues, Regina companies and church family and friends who have in any way helped us with funds, advice or equipment. We would be amiss not to mention those who support Mike and Teresa in the Trenton/Bellville area, including the Rotary Club. We are only able to be on the front lines because we have a host of people supporting us.
To those of you who follow the blog - makes the internet frustrations worth it to hear how much you appreciate it.   God bless you all.   Sharon 

Mike and Teresa

Lynnise and her daughters
Martin and Sharon 
Dr Braam and Elma's grown sons
                Dr Braam and Elma      

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